The well beginning is half done; every day the class starts with a beautiful prayer session which helps us to get strength to be the best and different from others as well as to spread the grace of God. It has been conducted by the school choir and four houses by the help of the respected teachers. Every week there is a special assembly through which the students get out of stage fear and to express their creativity. The special days are also respected on this occasion.
We have a well equipped and perfectly laid out dance & music-room for our budding musicians to wash away from their soul the dust of everyday life and rejuvenating. The school choir group perform regularly during morning assembly.
The school endeavours to shape the all-round personality of the students by offering manifold opportunities for participation in various Co-Curricular activities and a wide range of hobbies such as drawing, painting, dramatics, music & dance, social work and community service. Students join various clubs like Eco- Club, Cultural Club, Literary Club, Health Club, etc. to develop lifelong interests and hobbies.
The Academic Block of the school can boast of a special ART& CRAFT Studio that managed by the specialized faculty always guiding and encouraging students to their artistic exploits.
The games, sports and physical fitness activities form an integral part of the school curriculum to ensure fullest and manifold development of the child enabling him/her to attain good physical health, mental robustness, emotional and psychological stability and social adjustability. The school has outdoor and indoor games facilities. Inter-class, inter-house and inter school competitions are organized from time to time. Students actively participate in organizing various games and sports events in order to develop organizational skill and leadership qualities. Annual Sports and Annual Athletic Meet are conducted with great fan-fare and enthusiasm. The proud winners are awarded certificates and attractive prizes.
NOTREDAME believes in “Unity in Diversity”. We celebrate all festivals without any discrimination; it gives knowledge to all students about the importance of the festivals at the same time students learn to respect every religion.