Deviating from the age old customs and norms are giving scopes for the much desired revolution to happen. NOTREDAME adopts its own system of education which has been thoroughly practiced, tested, validated and proved successful.
NOTREDAME first makes an effort to improve the handwriting of the students. Cursive handwriting is the policy of the school. However considering the tender age of the little ones, this policy is implemented only from the day first of the class 2nd. Together with good handwriting skills the usages of the punctuation and the clean maintenance of the note books are also taught. NOTREDAME calls this whole process “Writing Fluency”.
The student has to read the subject with the exception of regional language subject in English. So an ability to read English well is must. For this reason NOTREDAME concentrates well on improving the reading ability of the students. NOTREDAME achieves this by making the students learn to read the lists ‘High Frequency Words’, ‘Service Words’, ‘Blends’ etc. NOTREDAME names this ability the “Reading Fluency”.
One should understand that is comprehended what he reads. One should also need to know what should be the object of reading. Considering the age and standard of each group of children NOTREDAME attempts to improve the ability of Reading ‘Comprehension’.
The students are encouraged to read their text books regularly. This helps the students to reinforce the knowledge they acquired while listening to the lessons of their teachers. This gives the wonderful opportunity for a child to improve away from the system of rote memory of questions and answers.
To improve the writing skills yet another Novel Method is adopted by NOTREDAME . The basic grammar of a sentence together with the mechanism of sentence building (syntax) is taught. The student is made to fame the questions first and then learn to answer them all by themselves.
We have also adopted the method of ASL; Speaking and Listening Skill through which one can become so confident in life to be anywhere to face the challenges.
NOTREDAME believes that these efforts will certainly make any students a self leaner for a life time.
We have got three section; pre-school, primary section and secondary section.
Pre- School
We follow the system of EPPE (The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education) to instil the maximum skills in the life of budding children. The class rooms are arranged accordingly in order to promote activities for the development of the children.
Primary Section
In our school, your child will be able to gain the knowledge, skills and values he needs to thrive in the 21st century.Our framework for the 21st century competencies encapsulates values and competencies which we have identified as being particularly important for the development of every child. The framework incorporates:
- Core values: (respect, responsibility, resilience, integrity, care, harmony);
- Social and emotional competencies: (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship Management, responsible decision-making); and
- Emerging competencies: (critical and inventive thinking; communication, collaboration and information skills; civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills).
Secondary Section
In our school, your child will be able to gain the knowledge, skills and values he needs to thrive in the 21st century.Our framework for the 21st century competencies encapsulates values and competencies which we have identified as being particularly important for the development of every child. The framework incorporates:
Your child will be nurtured through our secondary school education to become a:
- Confident Person: who has a strong sense of right and wrong, is adaptable and resilient, knows himself, is discerning in judgement, thinks independently and critically, and communicates effectively.
- Self-directed Learner: who questions, reflects, perseveres and takes responsibility for his own learning. Active contributor who is able to work effectively in teams, is innovative, exercises initiative, takes calculated risks and strives for excellence.
- Concerned citizen: who is rooted to Singapore, has a strong sense of civic responsibility, is informed about Singapore and the world, and takes an active part in bettering the lives of others around him.
The faculty base of NOTREDAME is very strong and thoroughly professional. Their dedicated teaching staffs are well qualified highly experienced, extremely motivated and totally dedicated to teaching and learning process. Our teachers are from different states of India. Employing modern teaching techniques and resources, the faculty engages students in a Variety of ways to provides professional mentorship that builds students’ lives careers.
“Only a burning lamp can light up other lamp”. Regular workshops, seminars and in-service training programmes which organized to update the faculty with advanced teaching techniques, tools and modern methodology. Teachers are also advised to attend specialized courses and training programmes to bring about qualities improvement in their teaching technologies.
The teaching environment is based on love, harmony and trust where the teachers teach with affection acting as motivation and guides. Smart Class and Audio-Visual Education System followed by the faculty using modern aids such as microphones, projectors etc. ensure greater retention and excellent result. Creativity finds expression through co-curricular activities like debates, recitation, quizzes, role- play etc. acquisition of wisdom, knowledge, spiritual perception, eloquent speech and universal brotherhood are the main pillars of our education system. Teachers use Student Centred teaching style which instils confidence, initiatives and develops critical and analytical skills through group activities, seminars, workshops, field trips, activity based education and hand-on-experience with special emphasis on character building.